July 27, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Bar Graph- Average Daily Sales by Serving

The bar chart details average daily sales (by total number of servings) at a restaurant according to season.

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Table Graph- High School/Secondary School Teacher Salaries

The table below gives information about salaries of secondary/high school teachers in five countries in 2009.

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Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded

● Well, I have done many things in my life which I found difficult in the beginning but thenwith practice they became easy.● For example, I found cooking to be very difficult at first but now I can cook anything easilyby just following the recipe.● But one challenging thing I would like to talk about

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Describe an achievement/success you are proud of

Whenever anyone achieves anything, he or she is very proud of it.What may be a simple thing for one person may be an achievement for another.For me overcoming my glossophobia was a very difficult thing.I used to be very stage shy and could never speak in front of an audience.It so happened that once I

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