July 27, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA
  • Purpose: The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) GT test assesses English language proficiency for those seeking to migrate or pursue vocational/non-academic training in primarily English-speaking countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK.
  • Focus: It centers on practical language skills for everyday life and workplace communication.

The IELTS GT has four sections:

  • Listening (30 minutes): Multiple-choice, short-answer, and note completion based on everyday and social conversations and monologues.
  • Reading (60 minutes): A variety of text types (articles, advertisements, manuals) with tasks like multiple-choice, matching information, identifying the writer’s viewpoint, etc.
  • Writing (60 minutes):
    • Task 1: Writing a letter (at least 150 words) in response to a given scenario (requesting information or explaining a situation).
    • Task 2: Write an essay (at least 250 words) presenting your perspective on a topic.
  • Speaking (11-14 minutes): A face-to-face interview with an examiner covering general topics, a short monologue, and a discussion based on a theme.

Each section is scored between 1-9. Your overall band score is an average of the four sections.

The marking criteria for the IELTS General Training (GT) test focuses on assessing your real-world English proficiency across the four sections: Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking. Here’s a breakdown of what examiners look for in each section:

Listening (30 minutes):

  • Task Achievement (40%): Did you demonstrate an understanding of the main ideas, specific information, and speaker attitudes?
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (30%): Did you use a variety of grammatical structures correctly?
  • Vocabulary and Spelling (30%): Did you use appropriate vocabulary and spell words correctly in the context of the listening passages?

Reading (60 minutes):

  • Task Achievement (75%): Did you identify the main ideas, specific information, and the writer’s purpose in different text types?
  • Reading Skills and Strategies (25%): Did you use effective reading strategies to locate and process information efficiently?

Writing (60 minutes):

  • Task Achievement (50%): Did you address all parts of the writing task (Task 1: letter format and content; Task 2: clear structure, arguments, and supporting ideas)?
  • Coherence and Cohesion (25%): Did your writing flow logically and connect ideas clearly?
  • Lexical Resource (25%): Did you use a wide range of vocabulary appropriate for the task and purpose?
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (25%): Did you demonstrate a good range of grammatical structures and use them accurately?

Speaking (11-14 minutes):

  • Fluency and Coherence (30%): Do you speak smoothly and connect ideas clearly?
  • Lexical Resource (30%): Do you use an appropriate range of vocabulary for the topics discussed?
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy (20%): Do you demonstrate a good range of grammatical structures and use them accurately?
  • Pronunciation (20%): Can you be easily understood? Do you use correct intonation and stress?

Additional Points to Consider:

  • In all sections, examiners consider how well you can communicate effectively for the given situation.
  • The higher the band score you aim for, the more advanced and nuanced your language use should be.

You would choose the IELTS GT if you’re planning to:

  • Migrate: Many countries require the GT for immigration purposes.
  • Work: For job opportunities in certain fields.
  • Study in non-academic programs: For example, vocational courses or high school programs.

Important Notes:

  • The Academic version of IELTS is different, and intended for those seeking university-level education.
  • IELTS is widely recognized and accepted worldwide.
  • Preparation is key! There are many practice materials and courses available.
  • Practice Materials: The official IELTS website, IDP and the British Council offer extensive free and paid practice materials. Utilize sample tests and analyze your weaker areas.
  • Courses: Many language schools and online platforms offer comprehensive IELTS GT preparation courses that provide structured training and feedback. like one famous institute in Punjab that is MBSL Jalandhar
  • Language Tutors: Personalized coaching from a qualified tutor can help you target your specific needs and boost your confidence.
  • Registration: Several test centers globally offer both paper-based and computer-based versions. You can register through the official IELTS website, IDP, or the British Council.
  • Costs: The fee varies slightly depending on your location.
  • Test Day Timeline:
    • Listening, Reading, Writing are completed in one sitting (no breaks)
    • Speaking may be on the same day or up to a week before/after the other components.
  • Test results are valid for two years.
  • IELTS is recognized by thousands of organizations worldwide for immigration, work, and study purposes. Check specific requirements of the institution you are applying to.
  • Each section is graded on a band scale of 1-9, in whole or half-band increments (i.e., 6, 6.5, 7)The overall band score is an average of your four section scores
  • Results are usually available within 5-7 days for computer-based tests and about 13 days for paper-based tests.


  • Familiarize yourself with the test format and timing: Practice will help you feel more confident on test day.
  • Manage your time effectively: Each section in the GT test has strict time limits.
  • Focus on reading strategies: Learn to skim, scan, and locate information within different text types.
  • Improve your overall English proficiency: Regular practice of vocabulary, grammar, and communication builds your foundation for success.


  • Listening

    • 4 parts with 40 questions total.
    • Variety of accents (to reflect global English variations)
    • Mix of conversation types: everyday social interaction, monologues in an educational or training context.
    • Question types include multiple choice, matching, diagram/map/plan labeling, form completion, and short answer.
  • Reading

    • 3 sections with 40 questions total.
    • Text types come from sources like notices, advertisements, company materials, official documents, books, and magazines.
    • Varied question styles: multiple choice, matching information, identifying writer’s views, true/false/not given, completing diagrams/tables, etc.
  • Writing

    • Task 1: Semi-formal or personal letter. Scenarios may involve requesting information, explaining a situation, or making a complaint.
    • Task 2: Essay responding to a given point of view, argument, or problem. You’ll need to present and justify your opinion with examples.
  • Speaking

    • Part 1: Interview about familiar topics like work, hobbies, studies.
    • Part 2: Short individual turn, where you’ll be given a card with a topic and you have 1 minute to prepare notes before speaking for up to 2 minutes.
    • Part 3: A more extended discussion connected to the topic in Part 2, prompting deeper discussion.

Additional Things to Keep in Mind

  • Pencils matter: You’ll need pencils for the Listening, Reading, and Writing components. Specific types (usually HB) are required.
  • No spelling auto-correct: The computer-based version does not have spell-check, so proofreading is essential.
  • Word count is enforced: Both Writing tasks have minimum word count requirements. Make sure you meet them.
  • Accent doesn’t equal score: The Speaking test assesses your ability to communicate clearly, not mimic a specific accent.

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