September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Competition between Older and Younger People


What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

In many workplaces, there is a natural conflict between younger and older employees. In my opinion, this can impact staff morale in a number of ways and the best solutions involve competent management and hiring practices.

The ramifications of an age-diversified workplace relate to the environment. When new employees join, there is often resentment from older workers who feel threatened or must compensate for their new colleagues’ inexperience. If the younger workers are arrogant, this conflict will grow into animosity and result in a toxic workplace cultureSimilarly, if they are unable to quickly adapt to the company, older workers will likely become frustrated. Conversely, there is also the possibilityparticularly if the work involves emerging technologies, that the more experienced workers will lag behind and younger workers will feel hampered. This can also lead to an unhealthy workplace atmosphere.

The solutions for the problems detailed above relate to management and hiring. A company that selects a qualified young employee with a positive mindset does not have to fear negative effects on morale. After hiring, management also plays a key role in dissolving tensions and preventing their initial occurrences. For example, managers who know the strengths and weaknesses of their employees well will not team up workers with contrary personalities. Additionally, by ensuring older employees stay current with new technology, managers will avoid the potential conflict arising from changes in their field. Finally, the manager must also take steps to guarantee the workplace has strong cohesion by valuing contributions from all employees, setting a relaxed atmosphere, being transparent, and ensuring there are no double standards due to age.

In conclusion, the issues stemming from a variety of ages working together concern the environment and the solutions involve strong management. In this way, these seemingly inevitable conflicts can be mitigated.