March 4, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe an achievement/success you are proud of

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. How to measure a person’s success?
    It is very difficult to measure success. Success is a very subjective term. Different people give
    different meaning to success. For some earning a lot of money means success. For others, leading a
    life in which they can help others, means success. For a student, passing the exams with flying
    colours, means success. So measuring success is not easy.
  2. Do you think the way people gain success has changed?
    Yes, definitely, the way people gain success has changed. Earlier, people did a lot of hard work and
    success was limited to a small area. Only politicians and film stars and sportsmen who were in the
    news or national TV were successful over a wider area. But, nowadays, because of the reality shows,
    any person with some talent can become successful overnight. People can get worldwide success
    through the Internet, through YouTube and other such networks. Today, people know of Indian
    successful businessmen, all over the world, because the world has shrunk.
  3. How do you define success?
    It is very difficult to define success. Success is a very subjective term. Different people give different
    meaning to success. For some earning a lot of money means success. For others, leading a life in
    which they can help others, means success. For a student, passing the exams with flying colours,
    means success. So defining success is not easy.
  4. How to reward successful people?
    We can reward successful people by acknowledging their work. Some awards can be given. Some
    monetary benefits can be given. Sometimes giving promotions is a good way to reward successful
  5. What’s the most difficult thing you have ever done?
    I am very stage shy. I remember, in the annual science fair of my school, I had to speak on a model,
    which I had prepared. The model was on different types of pollution. I found it very difficult, but
    somehow I managed it. That was the most difficult thing I did.
  6. What qualities does a person need to have, to be successful?
    The person should be hard working. He should have good communication skills. He should have the
    courage to take calculated risks. He should have a helping and caring nature.
  7. Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?
    I feel terrible, but only for a short period of time. Then, I try to learn from my failure and work even
    harder to succeed the next time.
  8. Is failure a necessary thing in people’s life?
    Yes, it is. Without knowing failure, we can never enjoy success. Without knowing about the night,
    we can never enjoy the day. Without unhappiness, we can never enjoy happiness. The freedom we
    are enjoying today is also because we have been under the British rule for a long time.
  9. Is it important for young people to have some achievement?
    I think it is an interesting question, having achievement at a young age certainly helps in gaining
    confidence and teaches us the importance of hard work.
  10. Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?
    I think both are equally important. Life is about balance, we can’t ignore either because ultimately
    we will feel something missing if we ignore either. However, it is a fact that most people tend to
    ignore personal goals as they aren’t monetarily rewarded like work goals.
  11. Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
    Certainly, firstly my interests have changed over time. I remember when I was really young, I saw a
    a movie on space and I wanted to become a astronaut, but then it changed to becoming an doctor.
    Moreover, as I grew older idealism was replaced by practicality. Finally, I have a achieved certain
    goals in my life and so new ones have replaced them.
  12. Does everyone set goals for themselves?
    I think yes. They might not explicitly say what they want but everyone has certain goals in their
    minds. Also , some people are more motivated than others to achieve them. So, we feel like some
    people don’t have goals.
  13. Do you think material rewards are important than other rewards at work?
    Not necessarily. It really depends upon the person. Some people do care about money, but for
    others it is about recognition and appreciation.
  14. What makes people feel proud of themselves?
    For me, it is about achieving something I knew was really challenging. I feel proud when I think I did
    better than I expected. In addition, I feel proud when I do something that brings happiness to my

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