March 14, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Celebrities’ Private Lives

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

Certain concerned parties today contend that some people now argue

private lives personal life

publicized on social media posted online

general citizenry people, society

right to be aware of basic ability to know about

public figures famous people

hold the opinion argue that

unalienable can’t be taken away

basic right to privacy fundamental privilege to not be in the public

engaging in illegal activity committing crimes

no clear justification no real reason for it

publicize make public

public other than as a form of known to all besides as a way to

gossip rumors

it is common for it happens a lot that

paparazzi people who photograph celebrities

in public in the world, not private

report private details online publish about personal life on the internet

invasion of privacy abuse of privacy rights

harm hurt

injury in these cases harm in these situations

mental health how you feel

reported on in public forums with little cause put online for no good reason

social responsibility duty to society

set a good example for the general public be role models

Modern media consumers people online today

increasingly vulnerable weaker and weaker

extreme views controversial opinions

easy of adoption of thoughtless political stances take on bad opinions quickly

bad habits bad behaviors

regulate their personal behavior control their actions

staying away from drug abuse not doing drugs

not espousing dangerous viewpoints not saying crazy things

focusing on socially beneficial actions working for the public good

in this way serve as therefore are

watchdog groups that watch society

reporting negative press publishing bad stories

deter public figures from misbehaving scare them from acting badly

allow citizens permit people

fame well-known

privilege right

have a responsibility towards society at large accountable for the good of all

respect their privacy care about their privacy rights

personal matter with little public relevance no public reason to consider it important