March 3, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Map Chart-Map of a Central Library

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

diagram details map shows

central library floor plan the rooms in a library where you can borrow books

compared to the present day in contrast to now

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that overall

more open layout less cluttered

greater emphasis on more focus on

self-service place where you can look up / check-out yourself

recreation having fun

reorganized changed around

entrance place to go in

unchanged no different

Two decades ago 20 years ago

most noticeable difference biggest change

groupings things that are together

immediately upon entering the library as soon as you get into the library

no longer there today not there any more

To the left of on the left side of

reading room place to read

contained has

transformed into changed to

Above that over that

adult fiction books for adults

reference books books to look things up, encyclopedias

previously for media such as before for entertainment like

moved from the opposite corner over to the other side in the same place

expanded to allow for sofas made bigger for couches

storytelling events telling stories to kids

The former location of where it was before

upper left side of top left part

lectures talks

directly above right over

long information desk big place to find out information

self-service machines where you can do it yourself

final addition last thing added

taken the place of replaced

enquiry desk place to ask questions

returns and other questions give back books and make queries

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