October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Water

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

crucial really important

oversee watch over, control

public supplies what is available to all

fresh water not salt water

advisable strategy good idea

though nonetheless

natural risks organic threats

taken into consideration thought about

most significant drawbacks biggest problems

proposal idea

possibilities chances

malfeasance bad behavior

incompetence not good at what they do

notoriously bureaucratic organizations lots of red tape, inefficient

while although

greatly furthering the interests of the general public helping people a lot

pertinent example relevant instance

lengthy litigation battles long legal fights

concerning relatint to

cleanup fixing

polluted reservoirs dirty sources of water

democratic nations countries that have democracy

progress making changes

harm hurting

residents people living there

irreversible can’t be fixed

corrupt dishonest

elected voted into office

unelected officials people not voted into office

vulnerable weak

bribery money given in exchange for favors

results in the outcome is

prioritizing making important

corporate related to business

private interests for individuals, companies

above average citizens more important than most people

nonetheless regardless

control power over

best guarantee greatest safeguard

public safety health of most people

arid nations dry places

Sub-Saharan Africa countries near a dessert in Africa

massive challenge big obstacle

conflicts fights

limited water resources not enough water

contributes to adds to

political instability problems in government, unstable

in an ideal world in the perfect world

just right, fair

ensure make sure of

equally the same treatment

fairly distributed equal

potential safety concerns possible problems related to how safe people are

contaminated infiltrated, polluted

industrial factors related to industry

rainwater pollution acid rain

landfill seepage sewage from trash buried in the ground

procedures methods

fracking a way of extracting oil

regulate control

disinterested autonomy not biased power

protect keep safe

general public citizens

excesses recklessness

corporate recklessness companies doing crazy things

despite regardless of

potential possible

poorly manage hard to handle

best protectors people who can keep the most safe

public health safety of most people

supervision watching over

water authorities people in charge of water

key crucial