IELTS Essay: Value of Old Age and Youth
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
certain nations some countries
interests what is good for someone
elderly people old people, over 60+
prioritized over more important than
younger generations people who are not old, under 60
although despite
economic reasons good for the economy
valuing considering important
older population people who are not young, how many old people
revealing commitment important responsibility
human dignity how people think of themselves
argue think
form make up
economic base financial backbone
There is little doubt that it can’t be questioned that
majority most of
workforces globally employed people around the world
comprised of made up of
middle-aged citizens people around 40
average working age how old most working people are
nearly all industries most fields
energy stamina
passion motivation
motivation interest in
achieve do something
for the good of society for all people
establish make sure of
a higher standard of living better quality of life
families kids
It is therefore logical that thus
ensure make sure of
ample access can get to
resources needed stuff they need
contributing members of society functioning parts of the public
contribute the most add a lot
in all likelihood probably
human progress civilization
simply utilitarian benefits just what someone gets from it
In the past before
necessary needed
human civilization the progress of mankind
cruelly neglect in a mean way ignore
fighting wars battling
resources were scarce not enough to go around
no longer the situation not true now
even developing ones poorer countries
afford can pay for
provide healthcare give medical treatment to
some degree of an amount of
retirement support pensions, etc.
undertaking doing
kindnesses kind acts
distinguish differentiate
clearly obviously
basest lowest
animalistic instincts drives like animals
surest sign best example
evolved species higher life form
culturally in terms of art and culture
socially in terms of interacting
emotionally in terms of feelings and emotions
trumps is stronger than
materialistic concerns only worried about money
related to concerning
growing already mature economies helping something that is already doing well
utilitarian reasons just for what you get out of it
support youth movements aid young people
principled has good reasons behind it
widespread common