IELTS Essay: Retirement Homes/Communities
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
increasingly common happens more and more
senior citizens older people
retire to stop working and go live
assisted care facilities places where they look after old people
instead of rather than
remaining left over
institutions places
reputation what is heard about these places
abuse being hurt
trend pattern
liberates younger generations frees the children
detractors critics
highlight notable instances focus on big examples
exposés reports
reputable news organizations well-known media companies
on a regular basis often
incidents examples
criminal or civil cases people put on trial or sued for money
instances examples
mistreatment treated badly
memorably cruel sensationally bad
have been known to be have a reputation for
beaten hit
demeaned insulted
neglected not cared for
in terms of concerning
their basic sanitary needs how clean they are
vulnerable weak
lack don’t have
defend protect
voice ability to talk
visiting family family coming to see them
considering given
total number complete figures for
rare not common
in the future later
technology computers, internet, cameras, etc.
closer monitoring watching closely
applies also is true for
restricted kept to
premises grounds
interact talk to
peers people around their own age
form meaningful create important
new bonds new friendships
benefits advantages
family unit as a whole family altogether
rarely equipped not often have
medical training experience as doctors
financial resources money
aging getting older
nearly impossible almost can’t happen
ailing parent sick mother and father
as well as and
some combination of an amount of
energy initiative
will desire
means money
time free time
placing putting
invest contribute
raising helping grow up
advancing getting better
standard of living quality of life
risk threat
retirement homes retirement communities
overshadow stronger than
sensitive topic hard to talk about
decide choose
own best interests for their own good