October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Personal Information

Vocabulary Answers

growing concerns increasing worries

storage keeping of

private data personal information

major main

trend pattern

conveniences makes life easier

intentions what you want to do

primarily mainly

provide better services give better products

relates first of all has to do with firstly

tracks user behaviour follows what people are doing

target audience segments pinpoint certain groups of people

relevant advertising ads related to what you like

secondly second of all

helpful good for them

entirely free platform costs nothing

without any obvious drawbacks no clear downsides

pernicious intent bad intentions

misuse not used the right way

harmless doesn’t hurt anyone

presidential election voting for a new president

foreign governments other countries

sought out looked for

vulnerable groups people who are at risk

fed them false information gave them lies

influence voting behaviour change how people vote

unethical immoral

advanced targeting tools sophisticated advertising mechanisms

locating vulnerable individuals finding people at risk

encouraging their worst impulses making them do bad things

indulging coping mechanisms encourage bad behaviour that makes you feel good about yourself

barely legal pharmaceuticals drugs

comprehensive all-encompassing

legitimate concerns real worries

authoritarian regimes totalitarian governments

in tandem with combined with

all-knowing police states authoritarian regimes

human rights abuses abusing people

norm standard

marginal benefits small advantages

access be able to get

negatives downsides

regulate restrict

attempt try

take back a degree of control try to manage