October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: One Universal Government

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

suggestions historically ideas in the past

single government one national government in control

control power over

nations countries

utopian benefits idealistic advantages

drawbacks disadvantages

autonomy freedom to do as you want

negative theoretical proposal not a good idea

supporters argue people who believe in this say

effective will work

focused clearly directed

best illustrated better shown

major problems big issues

currently struggle now have trouble

climate change global warming

recent health crisis facing the world current global public health problem

centralized all power in one central area

protect keep safe

enacting creating

burning using

fossil fuels oil, coal, etc.

vaccinated against Covid-19 a shot to protect from Coronavirus

in purely hypothetical terms solely imagined as a theory

unilateral all power from one source

achieve tremendous ends get good things done

in reality in the real world

strong likelihood good chance

pursue look for

less desirable goals bad aims

enforce ensure

mandates laws, orders

beyond past

infeasibility impossible

basic reasons main justifications

oppose are against

existence is in the real world

variety different kinds of

valuable in itself important on its own

currently now

to varying degrees to different extents

chosen decided on

represents symbolizes

values what is considered important

based on coming from

Western Europe France, Spain, the UK, etc.

lean more towards favor

socialist system government that spreads wealth more evenly

ensures makes sure of

minimum standard of living for all citizens decent level of life for all

place greater emphasis care more about

individual empowerment helps people have more freedom

transparency honesty

still others different ones

security being safe

freedom autonomy

diversity difference

defining feature most notable characteristic

entire whole

ultimately limit in the end contain

distinctiveness singularity, uniqueness

undertaken done

remedy fix

current crisis problem now

confidence faith in