December 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Neighbors

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

In recent years recently

it has become increasingly common for it happens more and more

less connected with their immediate neighbors not as close with the people living next to them

largely a result of mostly caused by

more insular society people being alone

somewhat alleviated through initiatives that encourage more community interaction fixed a bit by measures like helping people meet up in the neighborhood

The main reason that the cause of this is

physically isolated alone

In past generations earlier

in the habit of going outside usually go outdoors

nearby next to there

the average person to a normal resident

variety of activities online many types of things you do on a computer

occupy the vast majority of take up most of

no longer a need to interact with don’t have to talk to

out of boredom feeling tedious

a feeling of connection linked together

This modern tendency can be countered by this new trend can be fixed by

communal activities doing things together with people

no reversing technological advancement not turning back the use of tech

countered through proactive measures fixed by strong counter-actions

An example of this would be one instance of this would be

local government organizing a festival or musical performance in a park authorities can put on shows

form connections have relationships

thereafter remain in contact as either casual acquaintances or actual friends thus stay together as friends

unwilling don’t want to do

undertake do

local citizens can also organize various events residents can do it themselves

The result over time will be a gradual thawing of relations between neighbors what happens will be people getting closer slowly

leads to less interaction with one’s neighbors causes people to communicate less

phenomenon circumstance

mitigated hindered

community events things going on in your neighborhood

fractured disconnected

alienating alone