IELTS Essay: Money
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
It has become increasingly pervasive in recent years for it is more common now
discuss money matters on a daily basis talk about finances every day
this is due to changes in this is mostly because of
consider polite think is nice
decidedly negative trend on the whole bad overall
socially acceptable good for society
In past generations before
considered “in poor taste” not a polite thing to say
reserved in order to not appear arrogant or desperate polite so that you don’t seem prideful or needy
social norms what is considered polite by society
disappeared went away
discussion of one’s finances talking about your money
enables allows
average person normal citizen
coping with anxieties about dealing with nervous feelings related to
insecurities doubts
status in society how you are perceived in the world
wealthy individuals rich people
show off brag
investments money put into
property things you own
impress friends show off to friends
elevate their own self-esteem feel better about themselves
overall a negative trend on the whole is bad
exacerbates makes worse
unhealthy mindset not a health way to think about it
situations contexts
potential investments possible places to put your money
These contexts are the exceptions these situations are rare
relieve their own nervousness less their anxiety
as a form of bragging a way of showing off
addicted to the minor dopamine bursts that accompany seeking self-pity or self-aggrandizement get used to the pleasure that comes from feeling bad about yourself or bragging
difficult time transitioning to hard time changing
productive useful
fun topics of conversation interesting things to talk about
Over time as life goes on
ironically surprisingly
by seeking to cope with them trying to deal with them
no longer considered rude not impolite any more