October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Money for Computers or Teachers

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

funding money

allocated for meant for

primarily spent on mostly money given to

computers laptops, desktops, etc.

rather than instead of

paying the teaching staff higher salaries teachers making more money

considerably much more

valuable important

deserving should receive

prioritization more importance

proponents argue increased funding for people in favor point out more money for

reflects shifts is related to changes

modern society the contemporary world

expertise with doing well with

essential importance

daily life how people live each day

At the moment right now

focus on prioritize

wide range of subjects many classes at school

direct applicability relate right away to

later in a student’s life as kids get older

history study of the past

biology study of life forms

physics study of how the universe words

literature study of books

art study of pictures, music, etc.

and so on etc.

logical rational

focusing emphasizing

useful area key place

maximize make the most of

neglects doesn’t pay attention to

key finding crucial information

numerous studies much research

wide base of knowledge lots of information learned

early specialization learning something early on

potentially possibly

crucial influence key effect

pupils students

adults older people

grateful feel thanks to

at least one at minimum one

serves as a lifelong role model look up to that person forever

connect with get along well

emotionally related to feelings

intellectually related to thinking

introduce show for the first time

elucidate explain

great thinkers smart people

writers authors

shape mold

political related to politics and government

moral philosophy related to religion and ethics

providing greater giving more

simply ensures only makes sure of

qualified professional

apply for put in applications for

Additionally moreover

passionate caring a lot about

underpaid not earning enough

motivated encouraged

appreciated feeling valued

higher salaries making more money

short-sighted not thinking long-term

greater overall impact more effect in general

Naturally of course

measure record, delineate

provide definitive evidence give real support

viewpoint opinion