October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Meat

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

eat less meat compared to previous generations as don’t eat as many animal products compared to the past

clear evidence real proof

unhealthy contexts not in good foods/meals

generally healthy if prepared correctly overall better for you when made well

Those who argue that the people against

inherently in itself, naturally

point out modern insights into nutrition argue new ideas about eating healthy

infamously red meats notoriously beef, pork, lamb, etc.

contain have inside

build up increase

contribute to add to

leading cause of death globally main reason people die around the world

cardiovascular disease heart disease

meaty full of meat

saturated with heavy carbohydrates, salt, sugar, and other unhealthy fats full of unhealthy breads, salty foods, sweet foods and other oily foods

One standout example of this would be an illustrative instance of this is

most eaten meal items globally food that most people consume around the world

heart health cardiovascular health

buns bread for burgers

potentially possibly

toppings what you put on a burger

hinder short and long-term nutritional goals impair now and the future your health

on its own by itself

crucial due to high protein levels essential because of an essential amino acid

vegetarians people who don’t eat meat

vegans people who don’t eat any animal products

protein chicken, beef, etc.

sourced from gotten from

nutritious and vitamin-dense healthy and full of nutrients

Though there is some truth in this however this is somewhat the case

levels how much of it

low not high

certain essential compounds nutritious vitamins

found in located in

The best evidence for this comes not only from nutritional studies but also human prehistory this is best supported by science and the history of humanity

subsisting on diets high in consuming foods with lots of

greatly contributed to the flourishing of the human race generally a main reason why civilization exists

civilization more specifically society especially

Consumed without eaten but not with

ingredients what’s inside a food

no greater source of energy for the average person no better way to get energy for most people

meat dishes meals with meat

high in fat, salt, sugar, and carbohydrates lots of fat, salt, sugar, and carbs

excellent and healthy source of protein main way to get a nutrient for your muscles and energy

historically looking at the past

a part of the human diet something people eat on a daily basis

in this case as in all others always true

therefore pursue a more moderate approach thus look for a better way