IELTS Essay: International Stars and Historic Figures
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
younger generations people who are not old – under the age of 25 or so
interested in care about
international celebrities stars
rather than instead of
figures important people
natural tendency organic desire
related to concerning
mass media entertainment, news, etc.
mitigated lessened
improving made better
organically gravitate towards naturally go in the direction of
resonate with connect with
entertainment movies, music, etc.
equally the same as
last decade last 10 years
artist singer, musician, etc.
prolifically releases albums make a lot of music
updates new posts
generally present online all over the internet
entertainment world people in music, film, etc.
identify connect with
follow her personal life closely pay attention to her life
in order to so that
vicarious living through others
uplifting enjoyable
This stands in marked contrast to this is very different from
no longer contribute not add to any more
offer any present value means something now
tendency likelihood
countered with fought with
engaging paying attention to
in most contexts in many situations
dry facts boring information
propaganda self-serving and biased information about a country
historians people who study history
enliven historical events bring history to life
non-fiction true, reality
historical fiction books based in history but not 100% true
introduced first shown
passages texts
stronger likelihood better chance
instill engender
lifelong passion care about your whole life
shaped cultivated
current world right now
combined with put together with
relevant current events lessons classes about news now
compelled encouraged
continue researching great historical actors keep looking up people from the past
natural inclination organic desire
pay more attention to care more about
contemporary pop culture figures stars famous now
emphasis focus on
quality texts good books
encourage reinforce
seismic shift big change
marginal impact small effect