September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Having Children Later

Vocabulary Answers

these days nowadays

increasingly common more and more popular

later in life as one gets older

risks associated with dangers inherent in

trend pattern

overwhelmingly positive definitely good

lead fuller lives more complete life

decry are critical of

justifiably point out good reason to claim

milestones important events

signal a sign of

push forward hasten

especially important opportunity in particular key chance

growth development

subordinate make weaker/less important

a greater good something more important

occurs happens

remain immature stay a child

well into deep into

it stands to reason it’s clear that

lack of character development not growing as a person

permeate spread through

fixed unchanged

nonetheless regardless

statements above claims stated before

generalised made general about everyone

greatly outweighed much weaker than

freedom gained opportunity allowed for

sacrificing giving up

assuming if it is true that

impossible can’t happen

focus on prioritise

attentive caring

neglect not pay attention to

instill resentment cause one to be angry about

foment create

on the other hand however

delay keep from happening

naturally obviously

long-term relationship being together a long time

parental duties taking care of a child

likely probably

settled not changed

stable career good job

relieve lessen

financial strain money troubles

withstand deal with

protracted period of immaturity long time remaining young

lifestyle how you live

undisputed no doubt

receptive willing to listen to

new reality new situation