IELTS Essay: Free Education
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
Poverty remains a pressing issue not having money is a big problem
one proposed solution is one remedy is
provision plan
aiming to equip individuals with essential literacy trying to help people read and write
numeracy skills math
approach way
crucial step towards poverty reduction key way to get rid of poverty
standalone solution remedy all on its own
Equally essential just as important
adequate infrastructure good enough buildings
trained teachers good teachers
quality educational resources good schools, whiteboards, etc.
Merely just
ensuring its quality may result in a system making sure of how good it is can cause a pattern
fails to deliver the desired outcomes doesn’t work out in the end
focus on holistic educational reforms try to do more overall fixes
teacher training programs ways to teach teachers
school infrastructure development making school buildings and facilities better
curriculum enhancements learning about better things
maximize the impact of be more efficient
alongside the introduction of with the advent of
invested in put money into
leading to enhanced learning outcomes causing better progress
noticeably higher student retention rates clearly more students staying in school
significantly increased access to a lot more growth in getting
marginalized communities poorer parts of society
low-income backgrounds poorer people
Financial barriers not enough money
attending going to
perpetuating the cycle of poverty people staying poor long-term
eliminating tuition fees not charging money for school
remove one of the major obstacles to education get rid of a challenge to learning
implementation put in place
school enrollment rates how many people go to school
disadvantaged communities poorer groups
encouraging fostering
escape unfair conditions get out of difficult places
pursue better futures through improved employability have better lives by getting better jobs
inclusivity open-minded
bridge social and economic gaps lessen differences in society
fostering a more equitable society make people more equal
strongly a lot
offering giving
powerful tool for overcoming poverty way to help poor people make money
By prioritizing making important
implementing necessary reforms putting in place important changes
empower encourage
reduce poverty levels in the long-term fewer poor people over time