September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Criminals Reoffending

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

historically in the past

incarcerated in prison

commit crimes do a crime

released let out

prison jail

related concerning

economics finance

psychology study of the mind

chief solutions main remedies

governmental authorities

causes sources

high recidivism rates going back to prison a lot

identical the same

original explanations first causes

in question written about here

vast majority most of

criminal activity committing crimes

traced back goes back to

poverty being poor

wealthy enough having money

afford can buy

good standard of living nice living standards

rarely not often

motive incentive

lack financial means not enough money

live a decent life have a good life

exacerbated made worse

struggle fighting

apply successfully get the job

past offense crime committed before

permanent record always on your official documents

moreover furthermore

psychological reasons mental reasons

persist continue

difficult upbringings bad childhood

access get into

trained therapists psychologists

work through figure out

issues problems

combined put together

rehabilitate inmates make prisoners reform

ideal perfect

enacted by made into law

authorities people in charge

consistent efforts keep trying

ensure released convicts make sure people who get out of prison

support themselves financially be able to live on their own

small stipends a little bit of money

adjust adapt

focus concentrate

education schooling

earned made

skilled trade professional job

little reason not much cause

set free allowed out of jail

overhaul rehabilitation methodologies completely change the way prisoners are fixed

increasingly secular less religious

suggests shows

considerably lower much less

faith believing in god

religion Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.

concern care

immortal soul what lives after you die

incentive reasons

ethical behavior moral actions

take decisive action take steps

counter work against

pattern trend

successful models good examples

advisable recommended