IELTS Essay: Copying Famous People
Vocabulary Answers
For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:
It has become increasingly common for more and more people now do
imitate copy
fashion sense what clothes you wear
general behavior how people act overall
celebrities famous people
commercialization making money from selling things
celebrity lifestyles how famous people live
polarization taking extreme views or positions
follow influencers in a way that was not possible in the past learn about celebrities in a new way
has been made possible by can now happen because
growth of social media more people using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc.
post put up online
traditional media filter through newspapers, the news, etc.
keep their fans informed about let people who follow them now about
exploited taken advantage of
pervasive media presence all over the news, TV, etc.
sell their products and services promote or endorse products
Kardashians famous Americans on social media
famous for promoting various products well-known for endorsing companies
incorporating corporate interests seamlessly into their daily lives adding products into their lives without much effort
imitation copying
therefore thus
direct consequence natural result of
natural human attraction to the advice of successful normal human inclination to listen to famous people
attractive individuals coupled with good-looking people combined with
global consumerist society people buying things all around the world
relate to divides in society concern how society is fractured
In past generations before
citizens people, residents
general vicinity around where you are
in popular media on TV, online, websites
there is a greater chance that within any given community it is more likely in any neighborhood
K-Pop idols Korean singers
well-known entrepreneurs famous founders
and so on etc.
diversity different groups of people
fractures divisions
social fabric how society is held together
struggles attempts
attracted to extremist views online vulnerable to strong opinions on the internet
alienated feeling separate from
mainstream or traditional society normal society
acceptance feeling welcomed
racist against other races
prejudiced judging others based on their group, ethnicity
controversial unpopular opinions
imitate the famous individuals taking advantage of their vulnerabilities copy people who are exploiting their weaknesses
corporate globalization companies around the world
the general citizenry people
polarizing behavior among younger generations younger people becoming more extreme in their views