September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Competition between Older and Younger People

Vocabulary Answers

workplaces offices and other places where people work

natural conflict inevitable tension

staff morale how employees feel

involve has to do with

competent management capable bosses

hiring practices how people are employed

ramifications implications

age-diversified different ages

environment the atmosphere

resentment anger towards

threatened feel insecure

compensate make up for

inexperience not having done the work before

arrogant believing too much in yourself

conflict problems

animosity strong resentment, hatred

toxic poisonous, bad

culture atmosphere

similarly not so different

adapt change to

frustrated anger

possibility chance

particularly especially

emerging technologies innovations

lag behind not stay current with changes

hampered held back

unhealthy workplace atmosphere bad feelings among employees

detailed above described before

positive mindset good outlook

plays a key role has a big part in

dissolving tensions making people feel better, solving conflicts

preventing stopping from happening to begin with

initial occurrences happening the first time

strengths and weaknesses what you are good and bad at

team up work together

contrary personalities people likely to not get along

ensuring guaranteeing

stay current keep up to date

avoid prevent from happening

potential conflict possible fights

arising coming from

take steps act on

guarantee make sure

strong cohesion linked together well

valuing contributions considering what employees do important

setting a relaxed atmosphere making everything feel good

transparent honest and open

ensuring making sure

double standards different standards for different people

stemming from coming from

concern have to do with

seemingly inevitable appears it will happen no matter what

mitigated curged, controlled, limited