October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Company Sports

Sample Answer

There have been recent calls for businesses to contribute more to the local community in the form of investing in public sports facilities. In my opinion, despite the good this would do for public health, it should be primarily a governmental responsibility.

The argument in favor of this policy involves the benefits it would have for public fitness levels. Companies naturally gain from the communities where they operate in terms of sales supporting their products and services. If they were to contribute to the building of sports facilities, it would have a major impact on the health of their customers, particularly in areas where it is difficult to be active such as inner cities. For instance, in certain cities in the United States it is rare for less affluent urban residents to have the opportunity to exercise and therefore chronic health conditions such as obesity are on the rise.

However, there should be no obligation for businesses to address this particular pressing social issue. Corporations should be focused on being profitable and delivering results for shareholders. Governments, in contrast, are tasked by definition with safeguarding public interests. Citizens pay taxes and that money should deservedly return in various forms, one of which includes public health. Governments have not only the funding but also the ability to undertake large scale projects. They will be able to more efficiently identify potential locations and circumvent bureaucratic obstacles.

In conclusion, though companies could help their communities by building these facilities, the duty of public health falls mainly to the relevant governmental authorities. Companies should only pursue such investments out of their own initiative.