October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Car-Free Days

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

designated car-free days days when you are not allowed to drive your car

optimal method to reduce rising levels of air pollution best way to cut down on lack of fresh air

despite other viable options regardless of other good choices

remedy solution

Critics of this policy argue people who are against this idea

instead create laws related to industrial production better to limit pollution from companies

Except for automobiles with the exception of cars

main causes primary sources

resource mining getting materials like coal out of the Earth

consumer electronics manufacturing making products like iPhones

textile fabrication making clothing

legislated strict controls on production methods make laws to regulate manufacturing

concomitant decline in air pollution figures related fall in numbers for unclean air

limited carbon emissions thresholds only a certain amount you can add to the air

exceeding these numbers results in heavy fines and other penalties going above these figures means you have to pay or receive other punishments

This forward-looking solution is also appealing since the long-term fix is good because

encompass include

entire calendar year whole year

whereas instead of

limited in their scope doesn’t encompass everything

greater impact due to their far-reaching implications more effect because of repercussions

massively reduce air pollution hugely cut down on unclean air

harmful gases into the atmosphere than any single industry air pollution caused by one field

force motorists make drivers

alternative modes of transportation different ways of getting around

habits what you do every day

may consider working at home or utilizing public transport might work remotely or take buses, the metro, etc.

efficient doesn’t waste time or energy

willingly abandon of their own choice stop using

Over time in the long-term

begin to shift mindsets in society start to change how people think and act

individuals might become less obsessed with car ownership as a symbol of wealth and success people might not care as much about how cars boost their self-esteem

start prioritizing efficiency and a cleaner environment care more about saving time and energy and being good for nature

aid in help

on certain days on particular days

consider implementing and expanding existing policies that prohibit private vehicles think about putting in place laws to ban cars