September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Essay: Car-Free Days


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Many today feel that designated car-free days are the optimal method to reduce rising levels of air pollution. In my opinion, despite other viable options, car-free days would be the best remedy.

Critics of this policy argue that governments could instead create laws related to industrial productionExcept for automobiles, the main causes of air pollution are resource miningconsumer electronics manufacturing, and textile fabrication. If governments legislated strict controls on production methods, there would be a concomitant decline in air pollution figures. For instance, in many European nations, companies have limited carbon emissions thresholds they can utilize in production and exceeding these numbers results in heavy fines and other penaltiesThis forward-looking solution is also appealing since it would encompass the entire calendar yearwhereas car-free days are more limited in their scope.

However, car-free days would have greater impact due to their far-reaching implications. Firstly, banning cars would massively reduce air pollution figures since cars contribute more harmful gases into the atmosphere than any single industry. Secondly, banning cars would force motorists to find alternative modes of transportation that might then become habits. A person who cannot drive to work once a week, may consider working at home or utilizing public transport. If they find these options more efficient, then they may willingly abandon using their car on other days. Over time, this could begin to shift mindsets in society and individuals might become less obsessed with car ownership as a symbol of wealth and success and start prioritizing efficiency and a cleaner environment.

In conclusion, though regulation of particular industries would also aid in the reduction of air pollution, the banning of automobiles on certain days is the single best solution. Governments should consider implementing and expanding existing policies that prohibit private vehicles.