February 5, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Cambridge 18: The Most Important Aim of Science

Vocabulary Answers

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

argued made the point that

most crucial aim of science key goal of chemistry, biology, technology, physics, astronomy, engineering, etc.

improve the lives of ordinary people make average people have better lives

grander aims at times bigger goals sometimes

simple goal basic aim

in fact actually

primary purpose real reason for it

Those who contend that the people who argue that

improving ordinary life making life better for normal people

scientific inquiry learning about and researching through science

goal in itself no other goal needed

imagine think of

discoveries what they uncover about the world, inventions

general populace people

instead concerned with discovery and exploration in fact caring about learning

A standout example of this would be a clear instance of this is

theories ideas about the world

little immediate practical purpose no real effect in the real world to start

the origins of the human species where people came from, evolution

average researcher a normal scientist

concentrating solely on focusing just on

natural of course

valid and potentially productive mindset legitimate and possible useful way of seeing the world

interpretation of way of seeing something

reflect the real-world demands placed on science show the actual way science exists in the world

Historically in the past

platform place for

daily lives of average individuals how normal people live, standard of living

This can be understood in a number of different senses there’s more than one way to interpret this

In terms of medicine when it comes to health

procedures operations

pharmaceuticals drugs

designed with the explicit purpose of lengthening and elevating quality of life made just to help people living longer and live better

When it comes to concerning

subordinate to the arts serve artistic purposes

The entire purpose of developing technologies the only reason to have different kinds of tech

users people using services such as websites

edit their own videos cut up movies

engage in word processing write things

and so on etc.

Therefore thus

the highest aim of the best goal of

ultimately only in the end just

express themselves be artistic

reach distribute to the world at large

interpreted widely understand in many ways, broadly

decidedly definitely

main aim of science the primary reason to do science

more idealistic interpretation lofty way of seeing it

considering given that

pragmatism related to being practical, real life

foundation basis

scientific endeavor learning about and practicing science