September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Health Problems


What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

In recent years, a growing number of unwell individuals have begun to adopt the use of alternative medicines and treatments. In my opinion, though these can sometimes be effective, this trend is negative overall due to the superiority of modern medicine.

Those who support alternative remedies argue there is historical evidence in favor of their effectivenessA pertinent example of this would be the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in Asia. Many of their medicines and treatments date back hundreds or even thousands of years. Over that time, they have been tested and their effect verified in some casesContemporary health researchers are often able to later identify the scientific rationale but it is possible there are remedies in use today that we still do not understand. This ignorance should not serve as a justification to question their overall importance.

However, the vast majority of viable medical treatment is modern. Scientists now understand more rigorously the underlying structures of cellsvirusesbacteriacancers, and various other maladies. This has allowed for the creation of undeniably effective procedures such as surgery and the discovery of crucial medicines like penicillinThere is no doubt as to why these medicines work and therefore in the future they will only become more refined and safeIn contrast, traditional medicine may be effective for unknown reasons but its applicability is limited and it will not advance overtime.

In conclusion, with few exceptions, traditional medicine is a better alternative to less verifiable treatments and pharmaceuticals. Individuals can attempt to use them but should rely on their usual doctors.