September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe an invention that is useful in daily life

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. What qualities do inventors have?
    Inventors have a curious nature and a vision. They can think out of the box. They have
    patience and keep experimenting till they can make something new.
  2. Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
    Not necessarily. Anyone can invent something. For example, if a person needs something
    badly, he might invent that to meet his need. For example a chef may invent a new gadget
    to ease his cooking style. During the covid pandemic, many tailors came out with masks,
    that would fit well and yet not interfere with normal breathing. That is why it has been well
    said that necessity is the mother of invention.
  3. What inventions do you think should be improved?
    All inventions need improvement. For example, even if there is a quality mouse trap and it
    works just fine, you can bet that someone, somewhere is thinking about how it could work
    even better. That’s the heart of an inventor. Inventors are never satisfied with the status
    quo. They constantly look for ways to make products safer, faster, smaller, more efficient, or
    better in some way.
  4. Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
    I believe all inventions have made the world better. The computer, the smart phone, the
    automobile are just a few. The Xray, CT scan, MRI scan are all inventions that have
    revolutionised the world.
  5. Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
    In the right hands all inventions are beneficial, but in the wrong ands may cause havoc. The
    internet can be used for good communication, but can also be used to plan terrorist
    activities. Nuclear energy in the right hands can make the world a heaven, but in wrong
    hands may end the world.
  6. Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?
    The critical areas like defense and health should be under the government. All other areas
    should be handed over to private companies. For example, private companies may
  7. How has technology made our life easier?
    Different technologies have made our lives easier in different ways. However, in effect most
    technologies reduce our labour and save us valuable time, thus improving our quality of life
    considerably. They also in a way reduce our need on others because we can do everything
    on our own.
  8. Which invention do you think is the most useful at home?
    I think it’s very hard to choose one. It really depends upon the person and their use. For
    example, I find dishwashers as very useful because in my house, I have the responsibility of
    washing utensils. For my mother the answer might be the vacuum cleaner as she is
    responsible for cleaning.
  9. Is it more difficult for old people to accept new technologies?
    I think change is difficult for everyone and the difficulty increases with age because the time
    we spend accustomed to something also increases as we grow older. I think rather than
    looking at it as a problem, we should be focusing on ways to making it easier for our elders
    to accept them.
  10. What can be done to help old people learn to make use of new technologies?
    Many steps can be taken to encourage the use of new technologies. Firstly, these big
    technology companies can organise seminars where older people can be taught about use
    of latest gadgets. I remember when my mother first bought a laptop, she was offered a free
    two hour session on its use for the whole week. At the end of the week, she knew many
    things, I didn’t. Secondly, family members can also be helpful in helping their parents and
    grandparents when they are finding something difficult.
  11. Will our life be better if we live without technology?
    Technology has improved our life in many ways but it has also brought many challenges. Life
    would certainly be simpler, but I wouldn’t call it better. Moreover, I think we have become
    so accustomed to technology just the idea of living without it is unfathomable.