March 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe an area in your home where you feelrelaxed.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. Do you think exercise is important for mental and physical health?
    Definitely, physical health is directly dependent upon exercise. With today’s sedentary lifestyles it is
    nearly impossible to be healthy without exercise. Similarly, when we exercise, we feel more
    confident about our looks and this makes us much more social, which in effect is good for people
    mental health.
  2. Why do people feel stressful all the time?
    I think there are many reasons for the increasing stress in our lives. One is the growing competition,
    which has reduced job security. So people are always stressed about their work and job. Secondly,
    today people have very high expectations. When we expect much more than it is possible, we are
    bound to be stressed. Finally, stress is relieved by talking to friends but as people are spending less
    and less time with each other. As a result people feel stressed all the time.
  3. Do you think there should be classes for teaching young people and children how to be relaxed?
    Yes, I think it has become essential in today’s time. The growing rate of mental issues and
    depression among youth are evidence that it is very crucial that we teach young people how to deal
    with stress. I think it can be done by having relaxation classes in school itself. Moreover, if they
    learn to deal with stress at a young age, they can deal with it much better when they become
  4. Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
    I think its just because they have really high expectations and they are not content with what they
    have. Some people also find it difficult because they are in important positions and they constantly
    face new challenges.
  5. Do people in your country exercise after work?
    Many people do but many people don’t. However, as people are becoming more conscious about
    their looks and thus its becoming more common. In fact, that’s the reasons many gyms are opening
  6. Where do people spend most of their time at home?
    I think most people spend the most time at home in the living room. As most places have a TV in
    the living room, people like to spend their time in the living room. In recent years, as hobbies are
    becoming more individual, people are spending more and more time in their own rooms.