March 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe an activity that made you feel tired

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. Does studying and learning make people tired today?
    Yes, studying and learning has become exhausting because most students don’t study out of
    interest but out of compulsion. Most people study to secure good marks rather than understanding
    concepts and gaining knowledge. In other words, most students consider studying a chore today
    and hence, it makes them tired.
  2. When do people usually feel tired?
    People usually feel tired when they work more than their body or mind is used to. Every person has
    a different limit in this regard. For example, people who have a sedentary lifestyle might feel tired
    even after walking 1 km, while for an athlete a 10 km run might be a warm up.
  3. What do you think about striving for learning and striving for sports?
    In my case, I never had to strive for learning. I was good at studies since my childhood and I picked
    up things pretty quick. However, I had to strive for sports. It wasn’t easy. I remember I used to
    practice playing for long hours after school and even then I failed. However, winning in sports was
    much enjoyable as things didn’t come easy.
  4. Do people have fewer holidays now than in the past?
    On the contrary, we have more holidays now that in the past. Its just that we have so many
    household chores pending that we don’t feel like they are holidays. The main reason for that is the
    change in family structure from joint to nuclear. Earlier in joint families, the chores used to get
    shared and as such there was division of labour. This meant that holidays were relaxing.
  5. What are the differences between feeling tired after studying and after exercising?
    I think one is mental tiredness and other is physical tiredness. Physical tiredness means our body
    might not have strength to do physical chores but our brain might be fully alert. By contrast, mental
    tiredness is all about our mind not being able to think properly due to being overworked or stress. It
    might result in bad decision making.
  6. How can people solve the problem that old people easily get tired?
    Firstly, old people should take on mental jobs rather than physically demanding jobs. Secondly, old
    people should try to remain physically fit and active by doing regular exercise and having a
    nutritious diet, so that they don’t get tired easily. Finally, old people can take supplements like
    Calcium and Vitamin pills to address the deficiencies that arise due to age.