October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a rule that is important in your schoolor at work

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. Should schools have rules?
    Yes, schools should definitely have rules because rules help us in learning the difference between
    right and wrong. If there are no rules then everyone will do anything that they feel is right and this
    might create a lot of disturbance. As an example if students will not follow the rule of coming to
    school on time then it will become really difficult to manage the schedule of the classes
  2. Should schools decide how long the working hours should be?
    I think this a topic which is often debated. I believe it should be the joint responsibility of the
    schools and children welfare and development department of the government to decide the
    number of school hours because we should not burden the students with education and at the
    same time a minimum number of hours is also vital for their learning.
  3. What kinds of rules do Indian families have?
    It is an interesting question, normally the rules vary from family to family but if we have to
    generalize then most of the parents are strict about the fact that children should complete their
    homework every day. They also want their kids should not go outside late in night because they are
    concerned for their safety.
  4. Do you think strict rules are needed in schools?
    I don’t think schools should be a place where strict rules should be followed. Rules should be meant
    to teach children about discipline and other virtues. Having stricter rules might be detrimental to
    this cause and it could make children more rebellious instead.
  5. Should students be involved in rule making?
    Yes students should definitely be involved in rule making because it will make them feel more
    responsible and hence there will be less chances of them breaking the rules.
  6. What rules should children follow at home in your country?
    Children in my country are expected to follow several rules at home, such as respecting their elders,
    doing their homework, helping with household chores, and adhering to daily routines like bedtime.
  7. On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules? Children may befor given for not following some rules on special occasions like birthdays or family celebrations
    when parents tend to be more lenient. Also, if there’s a valid reason, like being unwell, they might
    be excused.
  8. people follow when using public transport?
    When using public transport, people should follow rules such as queuing up, not littering, giving up
    seats to those in need, and refraining from loud conversations or music that can disturb others.
  9. What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?
    In public places, people should follow rules like not smoking in no-smoking zones, not littering, and
    keeping noise levels down to maintain a peaceful environment for everyone.
  10. What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?
    People may break rules due to various reasons, including ignorance, carelessness, or a belief that
    they won’t get caught. In some cases, people might break rules out of necessity or in emergencies.
  11. When people break rules,how would they be punished in your country?
    In my country, the punishment for breaking rules varies depending on the severity of the violation.
    It can range from warnings and fines to community service or legal actions, depending on the
    nature of the offense and its impact on others.