Describe a rule that is important in your schoolor at work
- You should say:
- What the rule is about
- What happens when people break the rule
- Why you think it is an important rule
- And explain how you feel about the rule
- Rules and laws are made to create a peaceful and harmonious society.
- If we all obey the rules and laws then we would all be benefited.
- There are rules everywhere.
- Schools are the first place where children learn about the rules and codes of conduct.
- Every school has rules, like wearing the prescribed uniform, coming in time, doing
homework regularly and so on. - My school also had rules.
- We had two uniforms.
- It was navy blue skirt and white shirt on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
- However, on Wednesdays and Saturdays, we had a totally white uniform.
- All students and I agreed with this rule.
- Uniform creates an atmosphere of discipline.
- Everybody feels connected because of the uniform.
- If students broke this rule, and didn’t come in uniform, they were punished.
- Our principal used to make such students stand outside on one leg for half an hour.
- Sometimes there was a fine of Rs 100/- also.
- Even if a tie, belt or badge was missing we had to pay the fine.
- So, this was the rule in school, we all had to follow.
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