October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a place where there was a lot of noise/Describe a noisy place you have been to

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. Is noise pollution serious in India?
    Yes, it is. We have noise all around us, most of which can be avoided. There is unnecessary honking
    of pressure horns from vehicles. Industries are making noise. People use loudspeakers for personal
    functions, and neighbours are forced to bear the noise.
  2. Do you like to live in a noisy place?
    No, definitely not. But, unfortunately it is difficult to find places in cities, which are noise free.
  3. Do you like to go to noisy places?
    Once in a while, I like to attend parties and functions where DJ is playing loud music and I can dance
    and enjoy with my friends and relatives.
  4. Where can you hear a loud noise?
    We can hear loud noise all around us. There is unnecessary honking of pressure horns from
    vehicles. Industries are making noise. People use loudspeakers for personal functions, and
    neighbours are forced to bear the noise.
  5. Do you think that there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
    Yes, I think so. The number of vehicles is growing day by day. All these are making noise. Industries
    are also growing in numbers. These are also making too much noise. As these sources of noise are
    increasing, so definitely we are suffering from more and more noise these days.
  6. Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
    Yes, I suppose so. Whether we like it or not, the noise producing things are increasing and so it is
    quite probable that cities will become noisier in the future.
  7. What is the noise in life?
    The noise in our life means the distractions that do not let us focus on the goals in our life.
    For example, nowadays, people do not concentrate on their studies or work, and are often busy
    scrolling unimportant feeds/updates on their mobile phones. The loads of data that they consume
    everyday becomes the noise in their life.
  8. How is the noise level in your city?
    My city is an industrial city and on top of that it is on the national highway. So, the noise levels are
    very high.
  9. Where does noise in urban areas come from?
    The noise in urban areas comes from pressure horns of vehicles, industries and loud speakers.
  10. Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?
    It is very important to be alone sometimes. Everyone needs to introspect at times. One needs to
    know about ones likes and dislikes and everyone needs time for one’s personal work which can be
    best done in solitude.
  11. What is the importance of belonging to a certain group?
    There is a lot of importance of belonging to a social group. Man is a social animal and cannot live
    alone for long. One needs to share one’s happiness and sorrows with others. That is why we join
    social groups and feel part of these groups. Social groups are a sort of support system. They give us
    support when we are low in life. It is mentally unhealthy to be alone for long.
  12. What are problem you could have if you go out together in big group?
    There could be a lot of problems in a big group. It is difficult to organise a big group.
    Mismanagement can lead to conflicts. It could end up in a lot of wastage of time. It has been well
    said that “two is a company and three is a crowd”.
  13. Why people like going to noisy places, like a restaurant or pub , even they know these places are
    Some people like to enjoy loud music that is why they like to hangout at such pubs or discs.
    Moroever, since their aim is to socialise so they are not bothered by the noise at these places.
  14. Shall we encourage children to make noises?
    We should tell children to make noise only when they feel that they are in a dangerous situation.
    This way they can alert others or save themselves from a tragedy.
  15. Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
    No I don’t think it is good to allow children to make noise unless and until they face a threat from
    someone. Unnecessary noise creates a lot of distubance and distracts everyone around.
  16. What kind of noises are there in our life?
    There are many different types of noises that we can experience in our daily lives, including:
    Environmental noises, such as traffic, construction, and nature sounds (e.g. birds singing, wind
    Mechanical noises, such as those produced by appliances, machinery, and vehicles.
    Human-generated noises, such as talking, laughing, and music.
    Biological noises, such as those produced by animals, insects, and other living organisms.
    Acoustic noise, such as noise from sound systems, and other audio sources.
  17. Which area is exposed to noise more, the city or the countryside?
    Cities tend to have higher levels of noise pollution than rural or suburban areas. This is because
    cities have a higher population density, more traffic on the roads, and more industrial and
    commercial activity, all of which can contribute to noise pollution.
  18. How would people usually respond to noises in your country?
    I think that the way people respond to noise in India can vary depending on factors such as age,
    culture, and socioeconomic status. But in general, people in my country may be more accustomed
    to living with a higher level of noise pollution than people in some other countries. This is because
    noise is a common part of daily life in India, where cities are often very crowded and busy, and
    there is a lot of traffic and other activity on the streets.
  19. How can people consider other’s feelings when chatting in public?
    I believe there are many ways people can consider others’ feelings when chatting in public. Firstly,
    people should speak at a moderate volume. They should speak in a normal tone of voice and
    avoiding talking loudly. This can help preventconversation from disrupting the people around them.
    Secondly, people should be aware of their surroundings. They should be mindful of where they are
    and who might be around them. For example, if they are in a library or a quiet area, it’s best to keep
    the voice down. Finally, they should be sensitive to the topic of conversation and avoid discussing
    sensitive or controversial topics that might offend or upset others.