October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a piece of technology that you finddifficult to use.

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. What technology products or technologies are used by people now?
    Our life is full of technology. In fact, we use a technology from waking up to sleeping. A few
    examples are all the kitchen gadgets, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, mobile phones, laptops,
    cars and so on.
  2. Why do large companies often produce new products?
    I think it is a game of constant one-upmanship. Companies are trying to cram in more and more
    features trying to out do each other without really thinking about what is essential. For example,
    there are mobile phones out there with more than 10 cameras.
  3. Why are people so enthusiastic about buying newer iPhone models, even when nothing much
    I think the main reason is that the people want to show off that they own the latest model.
    Moreover, I think buying something new makes it exciting. We don’t have the same bonds with
    products we earlier did and thus its very easy to throw away the older model for the newer one.
  4. What changes has the development in technology brought in our life?
    I think our life has changed tremendously. Some changes have had negative consequences,
    whereas others have made our life better. On the negative side, socials bonds have become weaker
    as we don’t as much time with each other as earlier. In addition, our life has become sedentary as
    there is much less physical activity in our lives. On the positive side, we have much more options
    than the past. We have faster transportation, better healthcare and better food options. So, I would
    say its a mixed bag.
  5. Has technology affected the way we study? How?
    Yes, to a certain extent. For example, there are multiple modes of education like videos, audios,
    presentation and not just books. It has also changed the way we search for information. However, it
    hasn’t completely replaced classroom learning which is still the main mode of education all over the