October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a piece of good news you heard fromothers

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. How do people share good news?
    People share good news in many ways. They just tell each other face to face. They also use social
    media like Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. They also call the other person and tell about any good
    news. They write e-mails also for this purpose.
  2. Why do people share news on social media and is it good to share news on social media?
    Social media is a quick and time-saving platform for sharing news. People just have to post one
    message and it reaches a very wide audience instantaneously. I generally don’t see any harm in
    sharing something on social media. However, it should be don’t privately with one’s family and
    friends instead of publicly.
  3. How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?
    It affects in many ways. It has made the delivery of information instant. You just update your status
    on Facebook or Whatsapp and all your friends and group members are reached at once.
  4. Should the media only publish good news?
    Definitely not. I think its important to publish both. Nowadays a lot of media just focuses on crime
    and disasters as they get them better TRP. Fair media should depict both the positive and negative
    stories – so that viewers can get a better image about what’s happening in the world.
  5. When do people share good news?
    People share good news when they want their near and dear ones to know what good has
    happened to them. For example, if anyone becomes a parent, he wants to share this news with
    everyone. If anyone buys a new home or a new car then he wants his friends and relatives to know
    about that. If anybody clears an exam or gets a new job, he wants others to know about it.
  6. What kinds of good news have you received before?
    I have received many kinds of good news. I received the good news that my cousin was blessed with
    a baby girl. I also received the good news that my cousin had topped in his 8th grade exam.
  7. What kind of good news do people like to hear?
    People like to hear good news about any achievements of their friends and relatives, any celebrity
    visiting their town or city, any festival celebration and any new movie released of their favourite
    actor or actress. People also like to hear any new developmental projects that have been
    sanctioned for their community or city
  8. Do most people like to share good news?
    Yes, its human nature. We are social beings and sharing good news with others give us happiness.
    However, a lot of time people do not share the negative things in their life and this leads to
    problems like depression and loneliness.
  9. Do people like to hear good news from their friends?
    In most cases yes. However, sometimes it can lead to jealousy. For example, if two friends are
    preparing for the same exam and one clears it while the other doesn’t. The friend who failed might
    not be so welcoming to hear the good news of the other friend. Its human nature.