Describe a piece of good news you heard fromothers
- What it was
- When you received this news
- How you received this news
- Why you feel it was a good news
- In our day-to-day life, we hear a lot of news from others.
- Some are good and some are not so good
- Here I would like to talk about a news, which I heard from my neighbours.
- The news was that an international level sports stadium is going to open in my home town.
- About six months ago, as I was walking in a park near my home, I saw some neighbours
standing in a group and discussing something. - I joined them and came to know that they were talking about this stadium.
- As it is the sports facilities in my hometown are not so good and the young people do not
have a place to develop their sporting talent. - Many young people who are serious to do sports as a career have joined academies in
Jalandhar and Phillaur. - If there will be such facilities locally, then many more youngsters would be encouraged to do
sports regularly. - I feel it is a good news because we are leading sedentary lives.
- There is hardly any physical activity.
- Obesity has become a common problem among the people, especially young children.
- The youth is going towards drugs and other such vices.
- An NGO, run by some NRIs of my home town have donated two acres of land for this
project. - Our local MLA has got the approval for this and is being very proactive for fetching funds for
this project. - This stadium would have an underground car parking to accommodate 500 cars.
- The construction work has already started.
- The stadium would have a seating capacity of 5000.
- It would have covered seating areas also.
- There would be changing rooms for the sportsmen, and washrooms for the public.
- There would be drinking water facility at regular intervals.
- There would also be surveillance cameras all over, so that no untoward incidence happens.
- If people know they are being watched, then they refrain from doing anti-social things such
as petty crime. - There would be lights run by solar energy.
- The stadium would be so well lit even at nights that sports could be played there 24/7.
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