November 20, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded


  1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?
    I think all jobs require a certain degree of confidence but the ones which involve dealing with
    customers require a lot more confidence. For example, if a salesperson is not confident enough
    then he will not be able to convince the customers about the product he/she is trying to sell.
  2. On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?
    I think children should be encouraged in those situations where they feel hesitant in doing
    something that is good for them. But also, the encouragement should be done to a certain limit,
    they should not feel like something is being forced upon them. For example, we can encourage
    children to learn something creative such as painting if they show interest in it. And to encourage
    them more, parents can take them to a museum so they can develop their interest further
  3. How do you help children stay focused?
    There are many ways in which children can be helped. First of all, one can provide them an
    environment which is free of distractions, like when they are studying, they should not be allowed
    to use cellphones. Another way to help them focus would be to teach them about meditation in
    which they have to focus on their breath or a single sound.
  4. What challenges do young people face today?
    Well, I think there are two main challenges that young people face these days. The first one is
    related to the mind and mental health, nowadays everyone is aware of the rise in depression and
    suicide cases among the youth. Another challenge faced by them is the ever-increasing competition
    in education or their professional lives.

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