October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Describe a course that you want to learn / studyyou would like to do in future/ something that youwould like to learn in the future

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?
    Digital marketing is a very popular skill to learn these days. Earlier companies mainly used print, TV,
    and Radio to reach consumers. Now corporations worldwide use digital channels like websites,
    email, search engines, and social media platforms to reach consumers. Digital marketing is one of
    the most in-demand skills, and there are many job opportunities in this field.
  2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?
    Once children reach high school, parents should let them make their own decisions. When they are
    younger, parents can help them with their options and help them choose. But as they get older,
    parents should let them decide and even let them face the consequences of their decisions. It’s a
    learning experience for them. When the decisions are complex and complicated, like choosing a
    major, parents should advise but let children make the final decision.
  3. What influences young people more when choosing a course, income, or interest?
    I think it differs from person to person. Some young people choose a career/course based on the
    income and job opportunities in that field. They want to afford the necessities and give their
    families a comfortable life. Some choose based on their interest, even if the area they choose is not
    that high paying. They choose their happiness and passion over money. Sometimes, a person may
    be very passionate about a career that also offers a big paycheck.
  4. Do young people take their parents’ advice when choosing a major?
    Yes, most young people take their parents’ advice when choosing a major. They understand that
    their parents have more experience and want their children to be successful. Their parents may
    have different views, and eventually young people should choose a major they want.
  5. Besides parents, who else would people take advice from?
    Students can also take advice from teachers and school counselors. Teachers have closely worked
    with students and know their strengths and weaknesses. School counselors can also help students
    decide on a career path. They can help them narrow down their interests and capabilities and
    choose a major that will align with their career goals.
  6. Why do some people prefer to study alone?
    Some people prefer to study alone because they can concentrate better when they are by
    themselves. They can also work at their own pace and understand the concepts of one topic
    thoroughly before they move on to the next topic.
  7. Should schools teach both arts and science?
    Yes, schools should teach both arts and science. Both subjects are important in school. Science and
    technology give us better life but arts tell us how to live that life. In Science truths are proved and
    phenomena are explained. In art they are interpreted. Art makes people enjoy life, gives people the
    pleasure of living from the mental level. That’s why both are important to be taught in schools.
    What kinds of courses are useful for university students?
    University students can do any course according to their choice. All courses have their own
    importance. Some courses help in the job market. Some are just for personal fulfillment.
  8. Why do some students dislike studying at school?
    Some students dislike studying because of many reasons. Firstly, they may just not be interested in
    studying. Secondly, the way of teaching may not be good. Another important reason maybe that
    parents force them to study those subjects, which they do not like. For example, the student may
    want to do commerce, but parents force him to choose medical stream.
  9. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?
    All curricular and extra-curricular activities are good for children. They should study academic
    subjects as well as take part in sports, music etc.