Describe a course that you want to learn / studyyou would like to do in future/ something that youwould like to learn in the future
- What this course is
- When you want to learn it
- Where you can learn it
- And explain why you want to learn it
- A course I would really like to do in the future is a language course.
- A language I would like to learn is French
- There are many reasons for this
- The first and foremost reason is that I want to visit my uncle and aunt who live in France
- They told me that if you wish to communicate with Franco phones it is very essential to
know some French - There, very few people know English
- My uncle has also offered to sponsor my fees for higher education if I decide to study in
France. - In that case, if I choose to study there, then learning French would be a necessity
- Another reason is that my parents are planning to move to Canada
- So, my knowledge of French would come very handy there
- It might help me in getting a job
- French is spoken in 33 countries
- It is the second most commonly taught language after English
- Even in my country, if I know a foreign language, then I can get a good job in the tourism
industry - Everyone knows, tourists from all parts of the world flock to India
- Those who are multilingual definitely stand a better chance in the job market.
- Fortunately, a language training Institute by the name of Aroma Language Centre has
opened in my home town - They teach French, German and Italian.
- Their next batch is starting soon.
- I would enroll in that batch.
- Two of my friends have started learning French there.
- They told me that the teacher is very nice.
- They also told me that French is a beautiful language.
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