Your university lecturer gave you an assignment. You won’t be able to submit your assignment on time.
Model Answer
Dear Mr Alex,
I am George Fernando, a student from the Business Studies department in your university, writing to seek your permission for an extension to submit my assignment that I am supposed to hand over before 24th May 2022.
Right after you gave us the task on 17th May, I started working on mine and suddenly caught a severe seasonal flu. I took advice from a doctor and he prescribed some medicines and complete bed rest. I avoided attending classes and visiting the library to avoid spreading the flu virus.
Fortunately, I am doing better now and hope to get over the flu in a couple of days but I am afraid I will not be able to submit my assignment on time due to my illness. I, therefore, request an extension to hand over my work to you. I am quite positive that I can submit my assignment before 28th May 2020.
I would be indebted to you if you permit me to present my assignment before 28th May instead of the 24th of May.
Yours sincerely,
George Fernando