September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You recently ordered a small item online but when it arrived, it was damaged.

Model Answer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am ABC, a resident of xxxxxxxx, have recently ordered a smartphone – Samsung Galaxy Note Edge, from your online shop. Unfortunately, when I unwrapped the phone, I found that the phone screen was broken and the stylus was missing. I am writing to notify you of the problem and to replace my product with a fresh one.  

I placed the order on 15th May 2021 from my home and my invoice number is SAI-25478ASNE. I used my VISA credit card to pay for the order. I was looking forward to receiving the phone and start using it but when the phone finally arrived two days later, it was not in the condition it should have been. The main screen was smashed, and I could not find the stylus in the box. This is quite unexpected and as a regular customer, I am disappointed with your service.

Please inform me how can I replace the phone, as the warranty covers it, and get a fresh one as early as possible? Should I visit one of your retail shops?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and I would like you to take the necessary measure so that it does not repeat in the future.

Yours faithfully,

James Smith