March 13, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You have recently travelled on a train and unfortunately left your luggage.

Model Answer:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to reach out to you to seek help to find a piece of lost luggage of mine which, I am assuming, I left by mistake on one of your trains.

I was travelling on Monday morning by “TVG Bullet Express” that left “Kuchin” railway station at around 7:30 am and headed towards the city of “Freetown”. My destination was “Anniston” station, and that was exactly where I got off the train. But, unfortunately, I might have left one of my luggage on the train by mistake, trying to leave the station in a hurry.  

The luggage that I lost was medium in size, maroon in colour and made by the “TravelPro” brand. The bag was made of some waterproof, polyester fabric and contained mostly clothing, cosmetics and books when I lost it, and the bag has short handles. 

So, please follow the standard procedures to find my luggage and send it to me at the address I provided here. I will pay the shipping cost of the parcel on delivery. For your convenience, I am sending a copy of my train ticket.

I hope to hear from you soon. 

Yours faithfully,

Peter James