October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You have noticed a room at your company office that can be used as a relaxation room. Write a letter to your manager and ask to use the room for this purpose.

Model Answer

Dear Mr Bradley,

I am a junior executive in your organisation and have been working here for the last 2 years. I believe a few more recreational facilities would refresh us to produce better output and for that, we can convert a spare room into the relaxation and sports room in our office. I am hoping you would consider my idea and take steps to make it happen.  

The idea popped into my head when I attended a meeting at the H&G group’s head office. They have a large room for recreation and relaxation and their HR mentioned that it actually increased their employee satisfaction and overall performance. I would like to have a recreation room in our office as well. As a matter of fact, I have talked to some of my colleagues and all of them welcomed the idea.

The meeting room on the third floor is no longer used and could be an ideal room for our staff to rest, socialise and enjoy their time and unlax their pressure. This room already has a large table and a few chairs. It needs a large table tennis board, a few more chairs, a sofa set and a couple of exercise machines.

I hope you would consider converting the room into a relaxation room and allow us to have an even better office environment.

Yours sincerely,

Rohan Maxim