October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You have just spent a week with a friend on holiday. When you got home, you realised you had left your wallet there.

Sample Answer

Dear John,

Hope this letter finds you well. I have landed safely in Dubai. I really enjoyed the holiday I spent with you guys. This was one of the best holidays ever. I am writing to thank you and to request you for the wallet I left at your house.

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for having me at your place and making the trip so special. Last week was hands-down the best time of my life as I have never witnessed such a beautiful place and a vibrant culture before. Also, the food you cooked for me was delicious and celestial. I already miss the flavour and taste!

When I reached Dubai, I realized I left my wallet at your house. I believe it was sitting atop your piano when I was packing my stuff and I forgot to pick it up in a hurry, luckily my passport was not in the wallet, so I was still able to travel.

Still, there are some important items in my wallet, so I would request you to courier the purse to me as soon as possible. You can send it to my office address as I spend most of my time there.

Say hello to all.

Warm wishes,


[Written by – Sameed]