March 12, 2025
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You have a friend who is about to enter university, and he/she wants you to advise him/her on which subject to specialize in – history, in which he is very interested, or computer science, which offers better job prospects.

Sample Answer

Dear Charles,

I got so delighted to receive your letter yesterday and it was a pleasant surprise to know that you’ve already completed high school and would get admitted to a university soon. How time does fly!

You’ve asked my opinion on which subject to take as your major. I think you should follow your instinct and go for something you feel passionate about.

I know you very closely and can advise that you do better when you feel connected to something. From your letter, I understand that your personal choice is history but your parents want you to follow your elder cousin Ryan’s track who is earning a lot from his IT career. Who says you cannot have a great career if you take history? I can give you many examples of when someone from a more demanding subject is doing mediocrely while someone from a traditional subject is doing quite excellently.

I guess you personally want to study history, I’ve got that impression from your letter, and that’s why I would advise you to follow your own track and set an example for others instead of blindly walking through a street you do not want to be in.   

Warm wishes,
