September 7, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You had a good meal at a local restaurant with your family. Write a letter to the newspaper to tell them about it, describe the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth visiting.

Model Answer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a resident in the Teraleus community and a photojournalist by profession. I am writing a recommendation to other citizens, which I believe you would publish in your newspaper, for one of our fine neighbourhood dining establishments – The Diners’ Heart.

I had been to this establishment twice last month, and I absolutely love their food, professionalism, decor and behaviours. The décor, free parking, and friendly staffs are something a guest would notice even before he tastes the food. I particularly enjoyed their variety of dishes including exotic ones. But, it was the service, along with the size and quality of the portions, that was most memorable. I must mention that they offer a great price.

The service was professional yet intimate, and along with the sheer quantity of the dishes served, their great price motivated me to pass on my recommendation. I enjoyed their fried rice, and a giant fresh, crisp salad accompanied by a selection of appropriately selected seasonal vegetables and a fish curry. I finally enjoyed their fabulous dessert item – and all for a reasonable price.

I hope you would help others know about this establishment so that they can enjoy the delicious food and have family parties at a great place.

Yours faithfully,

Wilson Miller