September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

You are not happy about a service you received a couple of days ago from a company and you have decided to complain about it.

Sample Answer 1:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to register a complaint with you regarding poor service, and the rude attitude by your staff that I experienced last Monday when I visited your shop. I am hoping you would take proper steps so that no other customer feels humiliated the way I did.

I went to your shop on Monday, 24th November, with the intention of purchasing a microwave oven for my home. While I was in your shop, not a single employee approached and offered me any assistance! They were watching a soap opera on the television and were fully focused on the show. I decided to ask one of the employees for help but he showed no interest to help me. He was actually rude when I asked him what type of microwave ovens were available in the shop and if he could assist me. He pointed out his finger to another employee and this gesture was extremely awkward. I was not there to ask a favour, rather, to purchase a product and the unprofessional employees you have are surely going to cost your business.

I regret to have been in your shop and will never be there. However, you should know how poorly your staff treats your customers. I am hoping you would take the proper initiative to offer a better customer experience in the future by hiring more professional employees.

Yours faithfully,

Irene Byers