You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency.
Sample Answer
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am Sebastian Holmes, looking for a part-time job in a graphics designing company and would like you to forward my CV to suitable companies.
I have recently finished my high school diploma and would like to gain some professional experience. One of my high school friends, who recently managed a job through your agency, has recommended me your agency. I have a graphics design diploma certificate and experience in designing website mockups. I am passionate about designing websites, banners, advertisements, landing pages and logos, and looking forward to working for a company that works in the web designing industry.
Since experience and not remuneration is my priority, I would like to work for a renowned company that solely works in the web and graphics designing industry with a credible portfolio. I will get admitted to a college in a month or two, and that is why flexible office time is another aspect I am looking for.
I hope you would have a look at my CV, which I am also sending to you in the same envelope, and help me find a suitable job that I am so eagerly looking forward to having.
Yours faithfully,
Sebastian Holmes