October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

The system used for rubbish/garbage collection in your local area is not working properly. This is causing problems for you and your neighbours.

Model Answer 1:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to express a grave situation that the community of “Lake West Spring” is facing due to the faulty and inadequate rubbish management system, especially for the last three to four weeks.

With relation to the problems, the number of rubbish bins installed in the area is insufficient considering the total population. Moreover, for the last couple of weeks, garbage collector’s lorries have not been picking up the trash in time, and deposit of all waste has started to scatter around the bins or on the streets.

Since the garbage bins are overflowing with litter, it attracts some street dogs who rampage the rubish every night. It has also become a breeding ground for mosquitoes, houseflies and other insects which can lead to the spread of infectious diseases. Moreover, the bad odour from garbage has started reaching our house which hampers our peaceful and healthy living.

I would like to suggest that the local council look into the matter urgently and make sure the garbage lorries come to our community every other day to empty the bins. Besides, for a long-term solution, more large waste bins should be erected in the region as soon as possible and the garbage should definitely be picked up in a timely manner.

I hope you will take immediate measures to solve the problems and consider my suggestions.

Yours faithfully,

Elmina Rose