October 18, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Talk about a thing you complained about something (but finally got a good result)

Part 3 Follow Up Questions

  1. When do people usually complain?
    People usually complain when they have been inconvenienced or face a discomfort. The other main
    reason for people complaining is when they have been duped or cheated by someone. There are
    also many people who may complain without any valid reason, as they may have a complaining
  2. Can complaining help solve problems?
    Yes, there are many scenarios when complaining helps solve problems. For instance, when a
    product/appliance/gadget stops working or malfunctions, complaining to the customer support or
    service helps solve the problem. There are many situations when people get duped or cheated and
    if they complain to the authorities, they are very likely to get justice.
  3. What other measures you should take to solve problems rather than complain
    Sometimes complaining is not the best solution to problems that we face. For instance, the traffic
    problems in many cities are due to people themselves not following the traffic rules. However,
    complaining about it doesn’t solve it, taking steps and initiatives at the individual level can help
    resolve such issues.
  4. What kind of people complain?
    People who are aware of their rights and entitlements complain when they do not receive what
    they deserve or have been promised. However, there maybe some people who complain without
    any valid/solid reason. Such people are usually unaware and do not want to take responsibility for
    their actions.
  5. Do you usually get angry?
    No, I do not usually get angry. However, there are situations which make me angry, like when I see
    someone doing or saying something wrong and inappropriate. Sometimes reading or watching the
    news about crimes, corruption, and terrorist attacks and innocent people losing their lives makes
    me angry.
  6. Do you think customers’ complaints will improve product or services?
    Yes, definitely. Every company knows that the customer is the king nowadays. If they get a
    complaint, they listen to it and try to improve. If they improve only then they retain their
  7. Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?
    Yes, it is necessary for companies to set up customer service. They have to listen to their customers.
    Positive feedbacks, as well as negative feedbacks are important for every company.
  8. Are there any disadvantages to set up customer service?
    Yes, sometimes some rival company may misuse and put up negative things just to spoil the name
    of the company.
  9. Would you buy things in the shops in which you have made complaints before?
    If my complaint has been listened to satisfactorily then I would go there again. This means they care
    for their customers.
  10. What product or services do people in your country like to complain about?
    People complain about everything that doesn’t live up to their expectations. Supposing, someone
    has paid a heavy amount for some product or service and they don’t get back what they expected,
    they complain.
  11. Do you think it is better to complain, by talking or in writing?
    I think a written complaint is always better, because this helps to keep proof of steps taken by the
    person to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, it can be used as evidence in the courts.
  12. Who are more likely to complain, young people or old people?
    I think young people complain much more often as they have very high expectations and they are
    also not very patient. Old people have seen how things have improved over time and thus even if
    things are not perfect, they accept because they are generally better than the past.
    Free time activity when you were young