September 8, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Recently you went to a local restaurant with your family and you were very satisfied with their food and service. Write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper to tell him/her about it. Describe the meal you and your family members had and let the editor know why you think the restaurant is worth visiting.

Model Answer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a fan of your informative editorial and articles which I try to read as often as I can. I also like to share and exchange local information with my fellow residents of this town on different forums, such as your newspaper. And, as a part of this information sharing effort, I would like to talk about a restaurant, where I visited recently with my family members, which I think is worth visiting.

We tried several meals at that restaurant, and I must say that they were of top quality because they all seemed to be made with fresh ingredients. I especially liked their “mushroom fettuccine”, made with some perfectly grinded hot pepper flakes and evenly cut mushrooms. The French fries served there were also very delicious and chewy. Besides, I also liked the nice sitting arrangement there in front of their spacious porch, which was nicely decorated with different kinds of flower plants. As for the customer service there, I think that the staff at the restaurant knew perfectly well how to make their customer happy.

So, based on these findings, I would certainly recommend this restaurant to anybody and hope that you would publish an article reviewing and recommending this restaurant to your readers.

Yours faithfully,

George Malone